This forum is intended for the support and use of sben members for the purpose of sharing information, ideas and business networking. Businesses have the opportunity to collaborate with other sben members, leave comments and interact with each other.
Contributing to this web forum requires registration. You will be asked to provide your business name. The personal details which you provide on registration will be kept securely but anything posted on the forum by you that includes your personal details will be available for sben members to view.
Online Discussion Rules
If a comment contravenes any of the discussion rules it will not appear on the forum and the participant risks having their access to the forum restricted or removed.
If a sben member identifies a potential breach of the online rules they can flag or report it using the reporting facility on the forum.
Privacy Policy
This privacy policy is for this forum and governs the privacy of its users who choose to use it.
The policy sets out the different areas where user privacy is concerned and outlines the obligations & requirements of the users, the forum and forum owners. Furthermore, the way this forum processes, stores and protects user data and information will also be detailed within this policy.
sben is part of Staffordshire County Council and as such abides by the same good practice and legal requirements as the County Council. To this end sben and its associated Forum and all other material conform to the privacy notice, as described by Staffordshire County Council.
Our privacy notice - Staffordshire County Council
Legal Disclaimer
Whilst sben makes every effort to ensure that this forum is kept up-to-date and accurate it makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy, completeness, or suitability of any material on this forum. sben accepts no responsibility or liability for any loss incurred as a result of your accessing, making use of or relying upon material on this forum.
This forum contains several useful links. When you use these links, you will leave this forum. sben has no control over the content and accuracy of any linked third-party website nor does it in any way endorse or make any representations or warranties in respect of these linked third-party websites. Neither does it accept any responsibility or liability for the contents of linked third party websites or the consequences arising from accessing them or making use of or relying upon the information contained therein.
This forum and the services provided on it are governed by English law.